PRC Session Booking
To book onto a session, you will need to click the ‘Book Appointment’ button, where you will be taken to Picktime. You will want to click on the ‘Classes' button to see what classes/session we have, a description of them and their meeting point. You will then be able to go to ‘Book Appointment’ to see who is running the session and at what times and days. (Each session will have it’s own meeting point. It is unlikely that any sessions will meet at the Red Lion for the foreseeable future).
You will be required to provide accurate details during booking onto a session, this is for our track and trace requirements. Places are limited as we are running small session sizes for now. Please do not book onto a session if you are not a current paid up member as you will invalidate our insurance. You will be asked to leave or the whole session will be cancelled.
If you or any one in your family is or has been suffering with Covid-19 symptoms within the last two weeks, please do not book onto a class. If you have attended a class and start to suffer with Covid-19 symptoms within two weeks after the session, please report your sickness to our Covid-19 officer (Paul Povey), the run leader of your session or any member of the committee.
Please read the Run Club Return Document before booking onto a session.